The Power of Hope

And now, Lord, what do I wait for and expect? My hope and expectation are in You. __ Psalm 39:7 (AMPC)

Hope is such a wonderful thing. Hope is favorable and confident expectations, the happy anticipation of good.  When we hope for something, we have expectation that it will come to pass. We believe that we will receive it. Even when we don’t see it, we look for it. Our hearts are happily waiting in expectation. We have something to look forward to. We can see it in our imagination.  According to Webster, the imagination is the ability to form a picture in your mind of something that you have not seen or experienced. We long for it. We wait patiently for it to be manifested in our lives.

We are happy because of our hope and expectation and the picture we see in our mind with our imagination.  Hope can produce a picture that our faith can give substance to.

Hope that is put off or delayed leads to disappointment. God wants to give us the desires of our hearts. But if our expectation is delayed, we are disappointed.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life. __ Proverbs 13:12 (AMPC)

That word “deferred” in this verse means postponed or delayed. It means to put off an action or event to a later time. The postponing or delaying of what we desire disappoints us to the point that it makes our hearts sick, but the expectation and longing when it is fulfilled, is a tree of life. It fulfills us and makes us happy.

What are you expecting? What are you hoping for? Hope is the anticipation of something good. Hope expects for God to do good things in our lives.

So don’t lose hope. Don’t stop hoping. Keep hoping, keep expecting, and keep believing.

“High expectations are the key to everything.” __ Sam Walton

Prayer: Thank You Lord for the power of hope. Help me to keep on hoping and expecting for the blessings you have in store for me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

Copyright © 2016 by Miranda Burnette. All rights reserved.






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